Monday, March 07, 2005
This is a mail from Malay College Kuala Kangsar
Dear CCD portal registered user,
At the time this email is being written, there's only 18 days to go before 'the'
event of the century. Have you registered your attendance for the day? If you
haven't, please do so at as soon as possible to help
the organizers get a better estimation of the number of attendees during the
You can also get the latest update on the event such as 'the programme of
events', dress code, etc..
Thank you for your time.
Firdaus Asari, your friendly portal webmaster.
MCKK Class of 99.
posted by bYn 8:44 PM
Thursday, January 13, 2005
My favourite number. My jersey number. Once my position in rugby. The month I was born. The month of merdeka. The number of days Kazaam tried to fast for last year. And now, the number of years you guys have known me, and I've known you. Or at least the number of years that we know Krem is from Bota, or how the spell D.Z.A.H.R.A.N.D.Z.O.W.A.H.I.R.
That's a bloody long period! I myself barely keep in touch with my primary schoolmates now. Nevertheless, one might argue it's because that was waaaaayy ages ago. But how many of you actually still keep in touch with half of your classmates A Levels and Matrix or pilot school for Dabooz.
So why are we so obsessed with this koleq thingy, an annoyed non-koleq anomaly might ask? Don't bother answering, but instead, shove Impression up his ass. And if you don't know what Impression is, just pick any book you can find now and shove that up yours. Such a great book, with interesting illegal copyrighted content. Kudos to Izmir for lending his to me. On top of that, make sure you make your way back to Kuala on the 26th March. How can you even consider missing your chance to be a part of history and a history?
We are not obsessed. We are blessed, with the best thing one can ever ask for after a good looking girl as a wife, another good looking girl as the second wife, a good looking maid, a cool car, a big house, a thick wallet full of credit cards, an account book full of zeros, a good paying job, a private jet, etc etc.. which is friendship. I heard this once, friends are sometimes more precious than your own family, because you choose who to be your friends, but you don't get to choose who to become your family. Therefore we value them, maybe slightly more than other people would because they didn't get to live with Zarox and Foodle for one long year, and Buana for 2.
So back to the number 8. How much have we changed by the number. Certainly 8 itself is not much to count. But 8 times 365? Enough days to give Nikmat a few more feet, or Arep a few more milimitres; enough to give Alan, who use to screw up the rugby team's plan of wearing the blue Anderson jersey during the carnival because of his skinny body, a few more kilograms around the waist, or Adam a lot more kilograms around the body; enough to make Dabooz a Fawker pilot, or Kojeq a real fucker (hehehe kidding bro. cant think of anything else that relates); and definitely enough time to uncross a person's eyes.
Unfortunately for us, or for them, some were lost between these numbers. A few were MIA, perhaps KIA we may never know. Some left and never called back. Some never left and never called back either. Some like Skaters and Kazaam only miss calls. There are those who register at this website but never log back in. There others who ask access to write in the blog but never post a shit up here. There are those who tries to chat but use names like anonymous, ustaz latib, samhong and bowlatt. However there are others who chat using names like adam, kame and kuchai. Others who uploads photos in the gallery or posts job adverts in the blog. And the best ones are those reading this piece now...
Last but not least, I would like to reinstate my point here: 8 is my favourite number!
p/s: happy birthday guys...
posted by bYn 11:53 AM
Thursday, December 23, 2004
check out the link. budu's page (nik nazmi) was nominated for malaysia's best blog. support la sket dak koleq. hehehe..
p/s: another friend of mine is nominated too. his website is the last one on the list. the design of the page is not that great you should have a read at the posts. read a few. good laugh, good points, good way to insult and complaint.
posted by bYn 11:44 PM
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Been awhile since I last blogged, since anyone blogged actually. Lotsa things around me happened and will be happening soon. I wanna take this opportunity to wish all of you selamat hari raya and maaf zahir batin. Yang mane termakan teramik terhutang tu harap dihalalkan (quoted form kazaam's email to me). Anyway, I'm not gonna blog much today. Me and my housemates are having an open house today. Starting from 12, with people coming in 3 batches, around 20 people each. Not that any of you can make it, even Dan who's in UK now, but just felt like inviting you guys. Hahaha! My very own open house, with me cooking! Better get some ci kit teck aun ready! Hehe..
posted by bYn 2:13 PM
Sunday, September 05, 2004
I'm going back in a week's time. As much as I can't wait to reach Notts again, I still feel that 3 months for a holiday is too short for me. Spending most of my time in Terengganu is definitely boring to a certain degree, but it is not the liveliness, but the company that I lack in Kemaman. Besides my family and a couple of old friends who come back once in awhile for their one week break, there's literally nobody else in this town. But lucky me, I spent about one third of my holiday with those people I can call friends, and some, brothers. And that made my 3 months holiday very much worth it!
Started from the day I came back from the UK, I was greeted by good ol Alan, Kazaam and Ldw at the KLIA. The we met up with Skaters at Alan's apartment and had dinner at NZ. Boy, people can change so much and at the same still be the same (that's a funny sentence, but let it be). Skaters and Ldw sure put on some weight, Kazaam was the same and Alan looked like the last time I saw him in Cambridge. Then met a few other guys: Dan, Mad, Ijas, Dbz.. Then I went back to Trg for a few weeks before coming back to KL, where the convoy for OBW took off.
I had always looked forward to coming back to koleq while I was in UK, especially when various people kept telling me about the many changes it had undergone, be it the infrastructure or the administration. Some were for the good I suppose, like the fact that now all the students wake up early and perform Subuh berjemaah. Nevertheless, the were things that were disappointing, particularly the cheering squad. What a big turn off! But coming back to Kuala was not all about browsing through the alma mater and comparing the juniors' batch to ours, especially not if it was OBW. The best part of it was seeing familiar faces again: class of 2001, seniors, juniors and teachers (some of them, heh...). First day, did nuthing except went for rugby training. Second day, played handball and again rugby training. Third day, had a great rugby game (and a scar to remember it by) and won against the present boys! The night times were no less exciting as well. One slot was filled in by a bedtime (or more like wet-time) story by Koboi as the host and his aku-tau-korang-nak-amik-kesempatan-kat-aku guest, while another slot was for the more thrilling outdoor activity, La Tour De Kuala, again led by Koboi and his 'Mustang'. I was in the last machine in line, the 'safety car'.
And then there was the Merdeka BBQ at Alan's place. Too bad we couldn't get more people to come, due to the last minute planning. But even if there were more than the 30 plus who came, we might have space and amount-of-food problem. It was good to see some old faces, as well as new ones, and not to forget, chicks! And I think everyone would agree that the food that night was good, be it the barbecued chicken or the spaghetti Zaireen and farah cooked, or even the host's sandwich. And later after the delayed fireworks show, we had some fun throwing and pushing people into the swimming pool (and on behalf of Kazaam and myself, thousand of apologies to John whose phone r.i.p that night). The fun was ended when it was my turn being carried to the pool, an moustached angel dressed in uniform can to the rescue. Saved by the guard. But I had my swim that night, when we played monyet-monyet in the blardy frrrrrrrrrrrrrreezing water.
But nuthing beats the MAPCU rugby tournament. "Just like ol' times.." as Alan would say. You put 9701 on a rugby field and what do you get? Gold medalists who play the game as if it was another touch rugby game on any other evening. Ldw managed a try which cost him his ankle, Skaters didn't fumble, Dbz almost scored a try in his first rugby tournament and he didn't play like a first timer at all, Hijjas and Alan are still good playmakers, Kazaam never really lost his side steps, Dan was obviously a much much better hooker than me, Jimi still runs like a horse and most memorable of all, John, who played outside-centre in the final (his old position when he wasn't the fat ass he is right now ahaks!), still can't kick for shit!! We thought we could give him a chance to ammend his blunder during the F1-F2 carnival, but we thought wrong. Bad drop kick, but a very good laugh. At the end of the day, we went back with a gold medal hanging across our chest, and a trip to Sonkhla to look forward to. Except me of course, since I've got another plane to catch...SIGH!
And as I come to the third day of completing this blog, I just wanna shout out how wonderful a summer it has been for me! Thanks guys, especially John, for he spiced up some of the events above with lotsa laughter! Ciao-lan-ciao!
posted by bYn 1:56 AM
Saturday, August 07, 2004
Kalsom X
Anyone interested in helping a group of students from a rural area with their studies, and perhaps life? If you do, the Kalsom Project might just be the thing for you. Held by the United Kingdoms Executive Council for Malaysian students (UKEC), this will be the 10th project of its kind. This year, Kalsom X will be held in Besut for the students from Sekolah Menengah Tengku Mahmud. UKEC is still looking for facilitators, so if you're feeling up to the challenge and gonna be free from 21st to 26th August, regardless of where you are studying (or studied) whether it's in the UK or other parts of the world or even locally, do drop me a line, as soon as possible. Transport from KL, accomodation and food will be catered. All you have to do is be there, inspire the kids and go home feeling good that you've done something for the nation. Like the famous saying, "Ask not what the country has done for you, but what you have done for the country"
OK, enough with the promo. A bit on the history of Kalsom project and UKEC's background..
UKEC was formed back in the 80's by Adlan Benan (Ben, somebody please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he's from batch 8589->hey that's our generation), a budak koleq well-known for debating, not only in good old Kuala Kangsar, but also England. At that time, he felt the need to gather all the invidual Malaysian societies of the universities in the UK under one big umbrella, so that everyone can fight for the same cause while threading the same path, especially when dealing with the government (MSD and High Comm in the UK). Hence UKEC was formed. From Ben, the presidency was passed down to several budak koleq, including one of them Rafizi Ramli (Rough - 9094), Carey Award receipient, who was the longest serving member of UKEC ever. During their time, UKEC was the bomb; it's committee members were brilliant and committed, the member societies participated actively and the government saw the body as the spokesperson for Malaysian students there. Among its famous project are the Alternative prospectus and Kalsom Project. Alternative serves the same purpose like any other prospectusses distributed by the British Council during the British Education Fayre, except that Alternative is written by the respective Malaysian Societies themselves. In other words, it would be what the prospective students would expect to find out about the university they might wanna spend 3 to 5 more years at, not to forget while being thousands of miles away from home.
And then there was Kalsom. Started in 1994, it was held by a group of students who came back for their summer holiday in order to help a single mother, Puan Kalsom (where the name of the project was adopted) from Pahang, raising her 4 children. The project made such an impact that it was in the news and later was made annual with the UKEC reps coming back each year to various rural areas to inspire the needy kids both in their studies and life. A charity dinner which helps to fund the project is also held annually (supposedly, I'll explain why in a bit) in the UK. The dinner, named Kalsom Night, with a talent show running at the same time was once one of the most looked-forward event among students in the UK.
Not being racist (or maybe schoolist is a better way to describe what i mean), but ever since the last budak koleq stepped down as a president, UKEC has not been meeting people's expectation. Alternative was scraped and even Kalsom almost went down with it. Its committee members not only were unrespected, but some even crave for respect in a more demanding manner. A few months before election for the next committee comes up, we could see the current committee persuading friends and juniors to run for the posts instead of the candidates putting up their own campaigns. The reputation was completely tarnished. The only thing I would say kept alive were the AGMs. Yet, instead of seeing this side of the calamity, people would rather associate koleq's involvement in UKEC by accusing the body as an underling of Keadilan in the UK (I heard this myself during the last AGM). I took no offense though since it is true that some of the UKEC leaders did join the party, but isn't it rather foolish to come up with such idea?(and as a famous writer among many of us once wrote, it is dangerous to reason with foolish people) Furtunately, the current committee, with Nik Nazmi (Budu - 9599) being one of them, is drafting a well-planned strategy in reviving the body. Last year, we've seen a number of activities being carried, including the primiering of the UKEC Games. Soon to come is the Kalsom Project and the rebirth of Alternative during the coming British Education Fayre. Kudos to Budu and his colleagues! Hopefully the next committee will continue this great effort and may it come one day when UKEC will once again be in the safe hands of a budak koleq. InsyaAllah...
p/s: i know someone registered in who knows UKEC better than anyone else. hopefully you'll leave some comments and corrections to what i wrote if you read this. thnx mate!
posted by bYn 4:18 AM
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
"it's flipped, 180 degrees counter-clockwise wrongly turned, and screwed up..."
that's me description of the world n the life of its inhabitants today. whadya think? write ur decription la dey!
posted by bYn 3:18 AM
Friday, July 23, 2004
have you ever come to one of those days in your entire life, when you need to remember something very very VERY important, and you know you have to remember it, you should remember it, you are trying very hard to remember it, harder than the knocks you are giving your head in your effort to recall it, but you just can't squeeze any shit of it out of your frozen cerebrum cells?
of course you have... sux isn't it?
posted by bYn 1:02 AM
Thursday, July 22, 2004
they are love quotes, or more like quotes about love, which i got from somewhere. some are used when u're happy, some when u're not very, some when u're very not. use at own risk. enjoy!
- fuck!
- subtle??
- aku relek2 je...
- sure nyesal couple..
- hahaha...hins..hins...
- i can see da first divorce coming.. hahahaa...jahat sial aku
- da latest gf..muda..anak ol boy
- biatch!!!
- some still having monkey love... one nite stands...n some shit...
- i know...but some reasons r simply unexceptable....
- love.....nah!
- gile babi sial love story dierang...
- skit kot...deep inside...
- enjoy dulu...
and last but not least, the all time favorite respond..
- agak arr...
p/s: all quoted from a dear friend. hope he laughs the shit outta himself when he reads 'em.
posted by bYn 2:07 AM
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
dabooz showed an ol' skool photo of us today in friendster. it was taken in the school canteen in 1999, or as dbz would say, 'before byn jadik anjing', with a 'kmkk' word written at the side of the table. hijjas and koboi were in it too. hijjas looked as riang as any kanak-kanak ribena, dabooz was still hald dreaming, koboi looked as if another jambu just rejected him (regrettt!!!!!), and i was expressionless (or was i?). it has been 5 years since it was taken. i wonder if the students now are still being served the same meal kak ani and abg mat use to cook last time. the days when people would take food without paying, but instead asking for change, when kopi ais was mamak's favourite, when butcher would order the special meal from the windows by the sink with an extra bowl of rice. hahaha! butch brape berat ko skarang ha?
anyway, i just figured out something that really hurts. when u like a person, and that person knows it, both of you were together once but have to break up because that person wants to go back to her old boyfriend, and both of you remain very close friends without anyone else knowing except your friends, and you still like that person and she knows it very well, and you guys chat and talk on the phone with each other regularly, and one night while you guys were chatting, and she tells you that despite the many years you guys know each other at that moment she cant think of anything that you guys have in common, and she starts telling you the many things that she and her boyfriend have in common. sad huh?
p/s: had to pick this blog writing hobby due to boredom. bare with me guys...
p/s 2: dbz sent an sms this afternoon. "bean.. u there?" anyone suggest how do i answer this creatively?
posted by bYn 12:41 AM
Monday, July 19, 2004
in the states, students are allowed to take classes during summer holiday. it helps them to cover the modules they might have failed previously, or let them finish their course earlier than expected. even in malaysia, students are allowed to take supplementary subject during holiday, for the same benefits. but in the uk, there is no such thing. during summer, you are expected to go back, find a job or a voluntary work perhaps, or spend your 3 months holiday doing nuthing at home. and it doesn't help if you live in a dead town, with a dial up connection at home and most of your good friends live at least 5 hours of bus journey away from your door step. blughhh!!!
p/s: al fatihah to tan sri azizan who just passed away. such a great man he was and such a big loss was his death to us. he was chairman of 3 of our country's most prided assets: petronas, klcc n putrajaya holdings. may god bless his soul. amin...
posted by bYn 2:01 AM
Sunday, June 27, 2004
It's been 2 weeks since I arrived from the UK. After 1 and a half years there, I'm finally back. First impression, damn it's hot here. Irony, since the first thing that came to my mind the first time I stepped out of the cab I took from Heathrow to Cambridge 18 months ago was England is freaking cold. Heh. I manage to see a few friends, especially those who were kind enough to fetch me from the airport(alan kazaam n ldw) plus skaters, during my 5 days stay in KL. And during that 5 days, we did quite a few things, talked about a few things and a few things happen which reminds me of the good old days back in KK. And pardon me for saying my good old days only started a few months before we sat for SPM. That is when I discovered that among all your friends, those that stay with you when you're in a deep shit are the ones that you should be most loyal too. E.g., when your car run over a sharp object thrown by a moron onto the road which blow the shit out of your tyre, how many friends would actually drive all the way from PJ to Zoo Negara, risking traffic jam and waiving lunch, just to pass you an allen(is that how you spell it??) key? Close to nil. Just one of my many definitions of friends whom I would appreciate. Among others, sending his friend to his friend's sister's house only to find themselves making u-turns from time to time since the fella lost his direction,spending one hour watching his friend making a fool out of himself trying to impress his niece, etc. Things good friends would do for you, and which you should appreciate a lot! Kudos to them. Too bad I didn't have enough time spend time with these people and see others since some of us these days are committed to classes, exams, presidency.... =P I'm going to OBW this coming weekend, so hopefully I can see more of these lots in koleq (so that I can show them my long hair before I trim it hehehehehhe..).
As been told by the bolded captions up there, this is our hundredth blog since it was first launch. And for a website which is viewed by many, and whose blog can be written by many too, 100 blogs in more than a year time is not very much. Up until today, we've got about 80 registered user (if we omit those who registered twice, or even thrice if there's any!), yet participation is very low. I was hoping to receive more demands for access to write in the weblog, and to see more people saying something AT LEAST in the chatterbox. I don't think I should even start on guestbook and personal message. I've some plans for the website, enhancing it with a few more features. However, and this sucks, I can't access the hosting's webpage(not sure why, but maybe because the hosting is UK-based), my desktop is a bit screwed up and it runs on ME, and the suckiest of all, I'm on dial-up! It'll take me ages to upload updated files to the server. Screw TMNET for not allowing me to register Streamyx for only 3 months! Not that it was faster when me and Alan first got our hands into internet and websites, but having used broadband for more than a year made me a spoilt brat when it comes to internet speed. I'm gonna miss all those anime's I've been keeping up with, and songs, and movies, and music videos, and..... Sorry guys, but without new blogs or posts in the chatterbox, this is how this page will remain till Sept.
OK, it's almost time for Holland-Sweeden game. And this has been an exceptionally long blog of mine. 2 and a half months to go. Hope than I can catch up with some old friends before the plane takes off again.
posted by bYn 1:36 AM
Monday, May 24, 2004
happy birthday bro...
posted by bYn 8:50 AM
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
"Tipah tertipu bang!"
That's all I can say to what happened to me this morning. I stayed up late till 1 am last night and then woke up at 6.30 am to study for my progress test which I thought is held today. But when I reached the empty lecture hall just now, I suddenly realized that it's not due till next week. So much for trying to sort out my life after Easter holiday. =| That would be my last progress test before the real exam next month. I desperately need to get better results this time since the previous tests results was not very comforting. I blame the first two on Malaysian Night (which to me, was worth sacrificing for) and the one after that on myself since I lost mood to revise just the night before exam. But that's not gonna happen this time. With a new commitment in hand, I definitely have to work extra hard. *sigh...*
The new layout has been put up recently. I hope everyone will find it much more pleasing to the eye than the previous one. Page hits have been shooting up since the first day I uploaded the revamped site. I will try to add more features in the future, e.g personal blog, send messages to other user and hopefully, something than can let everyone upload photos themselves. This time, I've added a bit of code somewhere in the page (don't bother looking guys, it won't appear in the view source) so that I can easily track down annoying and extremely lame spammers. So to those asses out there, better keep your blarrdee fingers of the keyboard.
I went to Ireland during the Easter holiday. A friend of mine had a conference for medics students and he asked me to help with some technical work. I'd say with the support shown by all the medics students and doctors present, it was quite a success. I prolonged my trip there to visit Dublin and Galway. Thanks to Ezzad, Ane and Zawani, I had a decent accomodation and a few good meals during my stay. As the capital of the country, Dublin was a rather an expensive city to stay at, sometimes even more expensive than London. Galway on the other hand, was more of a country side, with a few beaches and cliffs (oh yes, you have to visit cliffs when you're in Ireland. it's a must!) around. The way the city is laid out reminded me of how Malaysia is. Speaking of which, I think I'm going home soon...
posted by bYn 4:52 PM
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
posted by bYn 7:08 PM
Thursday, March 04, 2004
Today, I lost my wallet.. damn!
posted by bYn 11:01 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Today, I broke a man's arm...
posted by bYn 7:19 AM
Monday, January 05, 2004
Another one from someone via the email. Like what they say in the movie Kill Bill, 'revenge is a dish best served cold..'
MasterCard Wedding -- You gotta love this guy
This is a true story about a recent wedding that took place at Clemson University. It was in the local newspaper and even Jay Leno mentioned it.
It was a huge wedding with about 300 guests. After the wedding at the reception, the groom got up on stage with a microphone to talk to the crowd. He said he wanted to thank everyone for coming, many from long distances, to support them at their wedding.
He especially wanted to thank the bride's and his family and to thank his new father-in-law for providing Such a lavish reception. As a token of his deep appreciation he said he wanted to give everyone a special gift just from him.
So taped to the bottom of everyone's chair, including the wedding party, was a manila envelope. He said this was his gift to everyone, and asked them to open their envelope.
Inside each manila envelope was an 8x10 glossy of his bride having s*x with the best man. The groom had gotten suspicious of them weeks earlier and had hired a private detective to tail them.
After just standing there, just watching the guests' reactions for a couple of minutes, he turned to the best man and said, "F--- you!". Then he turned to his bride and said, "F--- you!". Then he turned to the dumbfounded crowd and said, "I'm outta here." He had the marriage annulled first thing in the morning. While most people would have canceled the wedding immediately after finding out about the affair, this guy goes through with the charade, as if nothing were wrong. His revenge...making the bride's parents pay over $32,000 for a 300 guest wedding and reception, and best of all, trashing the bride's and best man's reputations in front of 300 friends and family members. This guy has balls the size of church bells.
Do you think we might get a MasterCard "priceless" commercial out of this?
Elegant wedding reception for 300 family members and friends......................................$32,000.
Wedding photographs commemorating the occasion..................................$3,000.
posted by bYn 11:24 AM
Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Got this from someone via the email. Quite interesting. See if you lots can work it out. Whoever gets the answer first paste it in the COMMENT. If you're stuck, prompt me for the answer. Have fun and all the best!! I'll be having my exam soon, so do wish me luck as well! Also, happy new year to everyone! Going into adulthood now. A year older, a year wiser...
Einstein wrote the following riddle. He said that 98% of the world could
not solve it.
There are 5 different houses in 5 different colours in a row. In each
house lives a person with a different nationality. The 5 owners drink a
certain type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar and keep a
certain pet. No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of cigar,
or drink the same beverage. Other facts:
1. The Brit live in the red house.
2. The Swede keeps dogs as pet.
3. The Dane drinks tea.
4. The green house is on the immediate left of the white house.
5. The green house's owner drinks coffee.
6. The owner who smokes Pall Mall rears birds.
7. The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.
8. The owner living in the centre house drinks milk.
9. The Norwegian lives in the first house.
10. The owner who smokes Blends lives next to the one who keeps cats.
11. The owner who keeps the horse lives next to the one who smokes
12. The owner who smokes Bluemasters drinks beer.
13. The German smokes Prince.
14. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
15. The owner who smokes Blends lives next to the one who drinks water.
Who owns the Fish?
posted by bYn 6:56 AM
Thursday, December 04, 2003
One more week and then I will start my 3 weeks winter holidays. I haven't planned anything in particular yet, except going to Cambridge to spend Christmas with the Wilsons. I'm looking forward to experience the Brits' most celebrated occassion. Two days ago I went on an ice skating trip with the Malaysian Soc (NMS). My first time on the ice with two blades. I had a couple of tragic falls during the two hours I was at the rink, but thanks to a number of friends, at the end of the day, I manage the get grip of myself and got a bit better at it.
I'm really missing something here. It's still the month of Syawal and I haven't told anything about my first raya abroad. Frankly speaking, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, it was quite happening, except the fact that I had a maths test on that morning, right after Eid prayer. Yes, we had Eid prayer here and the number of people who attended the prayer was more than 1000. Then after I finished my test and lab that day, I made my first visit to my friends' house to eat nasi himpit, rendang tok (Perak's dish!) and serunding ayam(chicken floss). I didn't fill up my stomach there as I got an invitation to an open house by another friend that night. Everybody who went to the open house dressed up in their traditional baju melayu and baju kurung and we had a variety of our national dishes to feast (fried rice, mee jawa, rendang ayam, lemang, kuih batik, kuey teow, raya biscuits, and tonnes more!). After coming back from the open house, I immedeately made my way to Qisti's place as it was our turn to hold an open house the next day. We kicked off our preparation at about 11 p.m with a few of us cleaning chickens, chopping onions, filleting and marinating chicken for our satay. We had a break in between to have our 'prototype' meal which we were suppose to cook the next day and continued on our work. I surrendered myself to the couch at 5 a.m, Nazri an hour later while Qisti and Melvin went on all the way till 7. We resumed the preparation after Safa arrived at about 9 o'clock to help out. Our menu for the day consists of nasi minyak, fried chicken, dhalca, chicken rendang, roti jala, curry, SATAY, kuah kacang, kuih batik and nasi himpit, everything home cooked except for the instant nasi himpit. We had our first reception at 5-ish and the rest came later in batches until the last to leave about less than an hour before midnight. It was a tiring day but all in all, the 'gotong royong' to make to open house such a happening event was worth the sweat. Hence me saying that the celebration here is not as bad as lots of people think it would be, as long as you know how to make the best out of it.
I'm logging off now. Need to catch some sleep which I skipped these few days. Till next time..
p/s: A friend from Notts found this on the net ->
posted by bYn 1:31 AM
Monday, November 10, 2003
Two weeks had past since Ramadhan started. Whether or not we have make the best out of this holy month, is a quiestion evrybody should ask themselves.
Today is my first time breaking fast with a cup of coffee in my room. Eversince we started fasting, I would normally go to the uni mosque for iftar on weekdays or fulfilling dinner invitation at somebody's house. So far, I've been to 4 open houses for iftar and dinner. The dishes vary from nasi briyani, nasi bukhari, laksa, spaghetti, ikan asam pedas an ayam masak madu. The iftar at the mosque is free, sponsored by the uni's Islamic Society. I never joined the terawih at the mosque though, having been told that it is always extra long, thus I either perform terawih with my friends or alone in my room.
Yesterday was the Singaporean Games in Nottingham. Nik woke me up early yesterday morning asking me to play for Kings' College's football team as they need a goal keeper. Though the team didn't make as far as I had hoped, I was contented with my personal performance. My proudest moment was when I overheard a Singaporean bloke telling his wife that I was a good goalie as I walked pass them. A fortnight prior to that, the Malaysian Games took place in Notts. I have to say everybody's hard work, especially the committee's, really paid off. We had more than 3000 visitor who came, mostly Malaysians, and no major problem occured. Notts sent two 5-aside football team and I captain-ed the second team. We didn't go as far as the first team who emerged as the champion, but all in all, it was good fun. Notts also won several other games and was announced the overall champion by the end of the day. The only thing I didn't have the chance to enjoy that day was all the Malaysian food being sold at the food court due to the football matches and duty after the game. Besides making a number of new friends, I also met a few old ones at the game, those i knew from Cambridge and from the years back in koleq. About 10 days after the game, the society held a thank you party for all the players and volunteers who made the Nottingham Malaysian Games such a successful event. And again, as always, more Malaysian food was served...
Another half a month to go before Aidilfitri arrives. Hopefully, somebody will plan something for the day. I wanna make it as fun as possible. Wonder how fun can it be..
posted by bYn 1:04 AM
Sunday, October 19, 2003
..revenge is a dish best served cold....
-Pierre Ambroise Francois Choderios de LaClos-
posted by bYn 10:13 AM
Sunday, October 12, 2003
We won!! There was a football tournament in Manchester yesterday called Piala Perantau and Nottingham emerged as the champion. 1-0 against the team from Manchester Uni who called themselves Ol' Trafford. My very first football gold medal. It came with a price though. My face was smashed during the semi final when I made an extra courageous dive and was kicked right in the face. I had a bloody face yesterday. My nose bled a lot (I don't think it's broken though) and is still swelling now. I have a cut on both my lower and upper lips so that adds 2 more swells to my face. There's a small cut under my lower lip and one of my front tooth is a bit loose. That's one helluva injury, one I never even got when I played rugby a few years back. But I was crazy enough to play again in the finals. We played at a ground which was next to Old Trafford (so I can say in Malay "Aku main kat Old Trafford"). After the prize giving ceremony, we performed our jamak Maghrib and Isya' prayers before making our way back to Nottingham.
Another good thing about the tournament is that I got to eat nasi tomato, something I have not eaten for more than 10 months. The organizer (which was Kelab UMNO) set up a small tent and sold 3 delicious dishes: nasi lemak, nasi tomato and nasi minyak. I didn't choose nasi lemak because I ate that almost everytime I went to London. I had nasi minyak just the day before the tournament during the Link Party, one of the Nottingham Malaysian Society's (NMS) activity. It's an occasion where all the first year students are suppose to meet their 'links', who are 2nd and 3rd year students assigned to help a particular fresher who is doing the same course as he/she. Something like pet bro or sis, except that we don't call it that and it's not that lame. It's more towards academic assistance. During the party, nasi minyak with ayam masak merah, acar timun and karipap were served (what else can one ask for =) ). Then we had a few party games, including a famous game between scouts, the bombing game. Sounds boring but I'm sure everyone had a hell lot of fun! So that explains why I opted for nasi tomato instead (what a long explanation).
Before that, NMS already held 2 activities. Yeah, within a month's time, we already had 3 activities. The first one being the EGM (I'm not sure what the E stands for as normally we call it A for Annual). Among the agendas were introducing the committee members, speech from the President, introducing the freshers, then electing first year representatives. Apparently, they have 2 posts which are specifically for first year students. It started with the female rep first. 5 candidates were nominated, then came the fun part. Before the voting started, the 5 nominees were asked to do 3 things to prove that they are worth the post they are about to take (as if!!). First, each of them had to say Malaysia Boleh in the most seductive way, to a guy. I can't explain how hilarious it was, you just have to see it by yourself. Then, they had to talk about the most interesting part of their body. A few came up, small eyes, small ears, smile, big ears, height. The final task was to stop 2 big footballers from fighting, and by big, I mean big! One of them is a British and the other is Singaporean. Yeap, NMS is so famous that we even have member who are non-Malaysians like British, American, Chinese, Hong Kies, etc. After that the voting started and a Malay girl named Sabrina got the post. Then it was the guys' turn. This time 6 of us were nominated and guess what, I was one of them. We had to do only 2 tasks as time was running late. The first was to perform a belly dance. My God! Even though I've been here for 10 months I never went to watch a belly dance. How the hell was I suppose to do one?? But I did anyway, just shaked my belly for less then 3 seconds and that's it! Then came the second task: we had to give a speech after winning the MISS Malaysia Award. I got my idea at the last minute before my turn. My speech went something like "Thank you everyone for supporting me, my parent, my family, my friends.. but most of all, I would like to thank my doctors, Dr Nik, Dr Wahab and Dr Chot who did my transexual transplant". The moment I uttered the word transexual, there was a thundering roar followed by a big clap. And I guess, that word did won me a number of votes and let me take up the post as the male rep. The second NMS activity was a trip to Goose Fair, the biggest fun fair in the UK. I went there as well, and won quite a few prizes which I gave away to my friends.
I'm off to Birmingham now to visit a friend, so I guess I have to stop here. By the way, there will be a Malaysian Games in Nottingham on the 25th, so I hope to see all my friends who are currently in the UK there.
posted by bYn 6:36 PM
Sunday, September 21, 2003
Hallo guys! Been a while since I wrote here. In fact, it has been a while since I logged on to the net (for those who normally chat with me, you guys should notice that I'm not online anymore like I used to be, all the time). I just arrived in Nottingham last Tuesday. I was placed in a temporary room during the ionduction week for all participating international students until yesterday when I moved to my permanent room throughout this year, that is from this Sept till June next year. I haven't got any internet connection to my room yet, but it won't be too long till I'll be up and runnin' on the net again. By the way, Nottingham is a very very nice town. A lot better than ol' Cambridge, and the university is superb. We had so much fun throughout the induction week and I'm sure we're gonna have more fun next week during the Freshers' Faire. I'm not really in the mood of writing (or should I say typing) now, so I'll tell you guys about Nottingham next time I log in. Till then, take care everyone and have fun!
posted by bYn 8:57 PM
Monday, September 08, 2003
I'm so glad this blog got so many good, and some even marvellous feedbacks. It's been ages since I peeked here, so I'm obliged to make a decent post-up myself, it seems to be.
Dudes, great comments on what unfateful mess that occurs back in Bumi Kuala, although I only have the chance to get on the details not eight days or so ago. As usual, I've been extremely busy and shutted out from the world (in a way, it's just what it looks like to me). All in all, I was utterly stunned by the news. It never really crossed my cursed, evil mind to say such immoral and horrible things to your teachers, let alone until some even cries!!!!! If there's one thing I learned from the Japanese about their culture, it'd be the RESPECT for your superiors. Even in my days as a so-called cheerleader, never did I outspeak Mr. Fairuz a.k.a. Pailang, although at times I did felt like cutting him into pieces when his decision weren't favouring our side. Hey, even the great (read: enormous) Butcher wouldn't. So little bros, it's time to deliberate.
To wrap things up, I give three-point-seven out of five stars for Byn's perspective on Zion and the green system. To other avid fans of Matrixes (like myself) who needs some extra reading, crash over the matrixEssays. It'll be worth the while, I assure you.
posted by Anonymous 6:12 PM