Outdated Posts

Sunday, September 05, 2004


I'm going back in a week's time. As much as I can't wait to reach Notts again, I still feel that 3 months for a holiday is too short for me. Spending most of my time in Terengganu is definitely boring to a certain degree, but it is not the liveliness, but the company that I lack in Kemaman. Besides my family and a couple of old friends who come back once in awhile for their one week break, there's literally nobody else in this town. But lucky me, I spent about one third of my holiday with those people I can call friends, and some, brothers. And that made my 3 months holiday very much worth it!

Started from the day I came back from the UK, I was greeted by good ol Alan, Kazaam and Ldw at the KLIA. The we met up with Skaters at Alan's apartment and had dinner at NZ. Boy, people can change so much and at the same still be the same (that's a funny sentence, but let it be). Skaters and Ldw sure put on some weight, Kazaam was the same and Alan looked like the last time I saw him in Cambridge. Then met a few other guys: Dan, Mad, Ijas, Dbz.. Then I went back to Trg for a few weeks before coming back to KL, where the convoy for OBW took off.

I had always looked forward to coming back to koleq while I was in UK, especially when various people kept telling me about the many changes it had undergone, be it the infrastructure or the administration. Some were for the good I suppose, like the fact that now all the students wake up early and perform Subuh berjemaah. Nevertheless, the were things that were disappointing, particularly the cheering squad. What a big turn off! But coming back to Kuala was not all about browsing through the alma mater and comparing the juniors' batch to ours, especially not if it was OBW. The best part of it was seeing familiar faces again: class of 2001, seniors, juniors and teachers (some of them, heh...). First day, did nuthing except went for rugby training. Second day, played handball and again rugby training. Third day, had a great rugby game (and a scar to remember it by) and won against the present boys! The night times were no less exciting as well. One slot was filled in by a bedtime (or more like wet-time) story by Koboi as the host and his aku-tau-korang-nak-amik-kesempatan-kat-aku guest, while another slot was for the more thrilling outdoor activity, La Tour De Kuala, again led by Koboi and his 'Mustang'. I was in the last machine in line, the 'safety car'.

And then there was the Merdeka BBQ at Alan's place. Too bad we couldn't get more people to come, due to the last minute planning. But even if there were more than the 30 plus who came, we might have space and amount-of-food problem. It was good to see some old faces, as well as new ones, and not to forget, chicks! And I think everyone would agree that the food that night was good, be it the barbecued chicken or the spaghetti Zaireen and farah cooked, or even the host's sandwich. And later after the delayed fireworks show, we had some fun throwing and pushing people into the swimming pool (and on behalf of Kazaam and myself, thousand of apologies to John whose phone r.i.p that night). The fun was ended when it was my turn being carried to the pool, an moustached angel dressed in uniform can to the rescue. Saved by the guard. But I had my swim that night, when we played monyet-monyet in the blardy frrrrrrrrrrrrrreezing water.

But nuthing beats the MAPCU rugby tournament. "Just like ol' times.." as Alan would say. You put 9701 on a rugby field and what do you get? Gold medalists who play the game as if it was another touch rugby game on any other evening. Ldw managed a try which cost him his ankle, Skaters didn't fumble, Dbz almost scored a try in his first rugby tournament and he didn't play like a first timer at all, Hijjas and Alan are still good playmakers, Kazaam never really lost his side steps, Dan was obviously a much much better hooker than me, Jimi still runs like a horse and most memorable of all, John, who played outside-centre in the final (his old position when he wasn't the fat ass he is right now ahaks!), still can't kick for shit!! We thought we could give him a chance to ammend his blunder during the F1-F2 carnival, but we thought wrong. Bad drop kick, but a very good laugh. At the end of the day, we went back with a gold medal hanging across our chest, and a trip to Sonkhla to look forward to. Except me of course, since I've got another plane to catch...SIGH!

And as I come to the third day of completing this blog, I just wanna shout out how wonderful a summer it has been for me! Thanks guys, especially John, for he spiced up some of the events above with lotsa laughter! Ciao-lan-ciao!

posted by bYn 1:56 AM

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